The University’s Security Management NanoCert® programs provide a broad understanding of major security threats affecting government, public, and private organizations and entities.

This graduate NanoCert may be of interest to those who wish to pursue a future graduate degree.

The University’s Security Management NanoCerts provide government and security professionals and those in the military with an opportunity to advance their knowledge of measures to protect public and private safety.

NOTE: Completion of this program does not award any professional certifications but can be applied toward graduate coursework ultimately leading to a master’s degree.

NanoCert Objectives

After successfully completing this NanoCert, the student will be able to:

  • Evaluate the role of the bureaucracy in implementing, interpreting, establishing, evaluating, and enforcing public policy at the various levels of state and local government.
  • Appraise the current trends in government ethics and ethical codes/regulations to include distribution methods and enforcement.
  • Evaluate the professional standards and ethical issues involved in public governance.
  • Analyze current strategic planning in security management.
  • Generate strategies for ensuring compliance with security regulatory requirements.

NanoCert Requirements (9 semester hours)

PADM520Public Administration in Society3
PADM505Ethics in Government3
SCMT509Contemporary Issues in Security Management3
Total Semester Hours9