This Master of Science in Cybersecurity Studies takes a broad, multi-disciplinary approach to preventing and responding to large-scale cyber threats and cyber attacks. The first half of this program provides you with a foundation in network security, information assurance, cybercrime, and digital forensics. The second half of this program focuses on the issues, policies, practices, and perspectives of various sectors, critical infrastructures, agencies, and disciplines, such as national security, intelligence, criminal justice, and emergency management. Cyber threats can have an adverse effect on public confidence, stock markets, economic sectors, and other critical infrastructures.

This program has specific admission requirements.

Degree Program Objectives

In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • Analyze the national cyber threat landscape and cybersecurity challenges from both external entities and domestic sources.
  • Examine the legal, social, regulatory, ethical, and technical issues related to securing information systems and national critical infrastructures.
  • Compare and contrast the interdisciplinary policies, practices, perspectives and products required to address the cyber threats to our information systems and critical infrastructures.
  • Appraise the methodologies for performing vulnerability assessment, risk mitigation, auditing, and certification of information systems and critical infrastructures.
  • Categorize the cybersecurity related roles, responsibilities, and policies for managers of critical infrastructures, national security, corporate security, criminal justice, and intelligence/counter intelligence.

Programmatic Admission Requirements

All master's degree and graduate certificate programs require a bachelor’s degree (or higher) from an institution whose accreditation is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

In order to be considered for the M.S. in Cybersecurity program, students should meet one of three admission requirement options.

Option A

The student must have earned:

  • An undergraduate IT degree or a degree in a closely related field
  • One of the University’s IT-related certificates
  • An IT-related minor or concentration during an undergraduate program
  • 9 credits in cybersecurity, information technology, or other closely related courses

Option B

The student must have acquired at least one of these IT or cybersecurity certifications:

  • CompTIA Security
  • CompTIA Network+®
  • CompTIA A+®
  • CompTIA Project+®
  • CompTIA CySA+® 
  • CISSP®
  • SSCP®
  • CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)®
  • Cisco CCNA® Security

A student can also have earned a valid and current Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute.

Option C

The student must have acquired demonstrable knowledge acquired from another source, such as:

  • A combination of closely related field and relevant work experience in the industry of at least two years 
  • A completion of closely related education or certification (not listed in option A or B) coupled with relevant work experience

Important Notes

  • If the IT-specific requirements are not noted in the official bachelor's or master's transcript, you must provide official copies of your undergraduate transcripts that show the appropriate coursework.
  • The verification of the two years of work experience needs to be sent to the university via a formal resume or CV.
  • Preadmission courses must have been completed within the last 5 years and at the undergraduate level must be graded C or better; B or better at the graduate level.

CEH® and Certified Ethical Hacker® are registered trademarks of EC-Council.

CompTIA Security+®, CompTIA Network+®, CompTIA A+®, CompTIA Project+®, and CompTIA CySA+® are all registered trademarks of the Computer Technology Industry Association, Inc.

CISSP® and SSCP® are registered trademarks of International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc.

CCNA® is a registered trademark of Cisco Technology, Inc. 

Please visit our AMU or APU graduate admission page for more information on institutional admission requirements.

Need help?

If you have questions regarding a program’s admission requirements, please contact an Admissions Coach at 877-755-2787 or

Degree at a Glance

Core Requirements33
Final Program Requirements3
Total Semester Hours36

Degree Program Requirements

Core Requirements (33 semester hours)

NSEC506Cyber Policy and Practice in National Security 13
ITCC500Research Methods in Information Systems and Technology3
EDMG600Emergency Management Perspectives on Cybersecurity3
HLSS505Security Risk Management3
INTL647Cyber Intelligence3
ISSC621Computer Forensics3
ISSC630Advanced Cybercrime Analysis3
ISSC641Telecommunications and Network Security3
ISSC642Intrusion Detection and Incident Handling3
ISSC660Information Assurance3
LSTD517Law, Ethics and Cybersecurity3
Total Semester Hours33

Final Program Requirements (3 semester hours)

Select 1 course from the following:3
Cybersecurity Studies: Capstone Practical 1
Cybersecurity Studies Capstone 1
Total Semester Hours3