The Master of Education in Teaching is designed for currently licensed classroom teachers seeking a graduate degree in teaching. The online program links academic theory with best practices for effective teaching in the classroom. You will examine the significance of various educational historical developments, philosophies, pedagogical approaches, research methodologies, and educational theories and paradigms. In addition to the core requirements imparting classroom management skills, student assessment techniques, planning, and more, this graduate program offers unique concentrations for further focus.
Degree Program Objectives
In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate commitment to students and their learning.
- Evaluate the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
- Manage and monitor student learning.
- Systematically assess their practice and learn from experience.
- Engage as members of learning communities.
- Integrate problem-based inquiry in course experiences.
- Interact with program mentors, academic specialists, colleagues, parents, and community stakeholders.
- Integrate the use of action research to enhance student achievement and address problems in practice.
Programmatic Admission Requirements
The following documentation is required for admission into this program, and must be provided prior to course registration:
- Official bachelor’s transcript showing conferral of degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, or a master’s transcript showing conferral of degree
- Graduate writing sample
- Signed statement of understanding (SOU)
Important notes:
- This program is not designed to lead to certification or licensure. In order to make an informed decision about your education, prior to applying here we strongly encourage you to explore any state-specific or other requirements applicable to you, including with respect to certification, licensure, and certificate enhancements.
- You are required to take EDUC503 as the first course in this degree program, but other courses may be taken in conjunction with EDUC503.
Please visit our AMU or APU graduate admission page for more information on institutional admission requirements.
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If you have questions regarding a program’s admission requirements, please contact an Admissions Coach at 877-755-2787 or
Degree at a Glance
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Core Requirements | 24 | |
Select one of the following concentrations: | 9 | |
Final Program Requirements | 3 | |
Total Semester Hours | 36 |
Degree Program Requirements
Core Requirements (24 semester hours)
Students receiving financial aid may be required to enroll in six (6) semester hours to maintain full time status, but the courses may be taken back to back in the semester rather than concurrently.
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC503 | The Professional Educator 1 | 3 |
EDUC513 | Critical Perspectives on Diversity and Culture | 3 |
EDUC527 | Classroom Management for the 21st Century | 3 |
EDUC531 | Maximizing Student Achievement Through Effective Assessment | 3 |
EDUC637 | Meaningful Inclusive Instruction and Co-Teaching | 3 |
EDUC640 | Research Methods in Education | 3 |
EDUC652 | Powerful Technology Applications for the Active Learning Environments | 3 |
EDUC670 | Education Law, Ethics, and Politics | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 24 |
1 | Required as the first course in this program. |
Students must choose a concentration for this degree program and may select from the Concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Teachers, Concentration in Elementary Reading, Concentration in English Language Learners, Concentration in Instructional Leadership, Concentration in Online Learning, Concentration in Special Education, or Concentration in STEAM (STEM + the Arts).
Concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (9 semester hours)
This concentration will provide a framework for candidates who are practicing, licensed teachers who want to learn more about Master of Education in Teaching Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). With a rise in prevalence of ASD in the U.S. and beyond, it is becoming more critical that teachers are equipped with knowledge about ASD characteristics, laws, research, and evidence-based practices. The concentration will present candidates with historical views of ASD, perspectives on medications and side effects, instructional and intervention strategies, federal legislation, assessment instruments, and programmatic considerations. This graduate program meets the needs of candidates with interests within both public and private school contexts and includes an emphasis on the Council for Exceptional Children - Advanced Special Education Developmental Disabilities and Autism Specialist (CEC – AAS), International Society for Technology in Education for Teachers (ISTE®), and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP®) standards. Completion of the program does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted at a school or other pre-approved professional site.
ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education, Inc.
CAEP® is a registered trademark of The Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation.
Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:
- Analyze considerations for K-12 students with ASD from a historical and legal perspective.
- Evaluate data-based intervention and instructional considerations for K-12 students with ASD.
- Appraise various assessment techniques that comprehensively evaluate K-12 students with ASD at a programmatic level.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC630 | Introduction to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | 3 |
EDUC631 | Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | 3 |
EDUC632 | Educational Programming for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in Curriculum and Instruction for Elementary Teachers (9 semester hours)
This concentration is for currently licensed K-12 teachers who wish to further their studies with an advanced degree focused on elementary education curriculum and instruction for grades K-6. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the issues that continue to influence professional practice in the field. Candidates will use research, experience, and professional judgment to collaborate and work with others in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of effective instruction and services for elementary students. Candidates will have an advanced understanding of the developmental characteristics, culture, and background of elementary aged, special needs learners and how the differences among them influence the learning condition. The program meets the needs of students with interests within the traditional public and private school arenas and includes an emphasis on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), research-based teacher leadership skills, and 21st Century professional practices in instruction. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted on a school or other pre-approved professional site.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC561 | Issues and Ideas in Special Education | 3 |
EDUC671 | Integrated Elementary Mathematics and Sciences | 3 |
EDUC672 | Integrated Elementary Language Arts and Social Studies | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in Elementary Reading (9 semester hours)
This concentration is designed for currently licensed K-12 teachers who wish to further their studies by achieving an advanced degree with a focus on working with students to promote elementary level reading and literacy development in grades K-6. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of best practices in elementary reading curriculum and instruction, use a range of research-based practices, methods, and materials to support curriculum development, and will use a variety of assessment practices and tools to diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate effective literacy instruction. The program meets the needs of candidates with interests within the traditional public and private school arena and includes an emphasis on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), International Reading Association (IRA) standards, research-based teacher leadership skills, and 21st Century professional practices in instruction. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted on a school or other pre-approved professional site.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC596 | Literacy Instruction for Struggling and Challenging Students | 3 |
EDUC611 | Identifying and Diagnosing Reading Difficulties | 3 |
EDUC612 | Issues and Models of Language Arts Education | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in English Language Learners (9 semester hours)
This concentration is for currently licensed K-12 teachers who wish to further their studies with an advanced degree focused on working with students whose primary language is not English. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the candidate will be able to use the knowledge of major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language to construct learning environments that foster English Language Learners (ELL) language development and content area learning. The candidate will demonstrate and use knowledge of culture and identity to cultivate learning environments that support ELL language development and content area learning. Candidates will also use research-based practices to plan, manage, and implement instruction in supportive environments for ELL students, act as English language models, and incorporate standards-based ELL and content curriculum in mixed-ability classrooms. The program meets the needs of students with interests within the traditional public and private school arenas and includes an emphasis on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL®) standards, research-based teacher leadership skills, and 21st Century professional practices in instruction. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted on a school or other pre-approved professional site.
TESOL® is a registered trademark of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC600 | Diversity and Cultural Issues in TESOL Education | 3 |
EDUC601 | Methods and Materials in TESOL Education | 3 |
EDUC603 | Applied Linguistics in TESOL Education | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in Instructional Leadership (9 semester hours)
This concentration is designed for individuals who want to broaden their knowledge of instructional leadership in K-12 settings and includes an emphasis on research-based teacher leadership skills and 21st century professional practices in instruction. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to evaluate and effectively use performance-based assessments and implement assessment, instruction, evaluation, and intervention plans as appropriate for diverse learner needs. Successful candidates will demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills to work well with school personnel, pupils, and parents, acknowledging and appreciating diversity in its many forms and being able to assess and instruct without influence of bias. Candidates will also use educational technology as an effective tool to promote student learning as well as a means to improve communication among colleagues, staff, parents, students, and the larger community. The program meets the needs of students with interests within the traditional public and private school arenas and includes an emphasis on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and research-based teacher leadership skills. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted on a school or other pre-approved professional site.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC522 | Supervision of Instruction | 3 |
EDUC561 | Issues and Ideas in Special Education | 3 |
EDUC665 | Emerging Issues and Trends in Education Leadership | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in Online Learning (9 semester hours)
This concentration will provide a learning framework for potential students who wish to teach online at either the K-12 or higher education levels. The demand for teachers with in-depth knowledge of how to use technology together with curriculum design and teaching methods is growing dramatically. The online learning environment continues to expand and there is a need for experienced and knowledgeable instructors to deliver instruction in a distance learning or web-based environment. In this program, comprehensive aspects of online learning will be explored so that the graduating student will have a firm knowledge base with which to function in the online-learning instructional setting. The concentration will present students with an overarching philosophy that raising student achievement is best achieved in instructional environments where the software, web-based, or online instruction is interactive and individualized or personalized. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure.
This concentration will provide students with course work that addresses online learning with the following instructional strands:
- Ethics and Legal Issues
- Student Achievement
- Social Communities in Online Learning
- Assessment
- Instructional Design
- Developmental Characteristics of Learners
- Personalized Learning and Self Directed Learning
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
Select 3 courses from the following: | 9 | |
Online Learning for the Adult and the K-16 Learner | ||
Ethics and Legal Issues in Online Learning | ||
Online Learning and Student Achievement | ||
Assessment of Online Learning | ||
Instructional Design in Online Learning | ||
Personalized and Individualized Online Learning | ||
Online Teaching Technology Integration | ||
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in Special Education (9 semester hours)
This concentration is for currently licensed K-12 teachers who wish to further their studies with an advanced degree focused on working with students with special needs. The program provides a strong, research-based background in professional teaching practices and provides development for teachers who are knowledgeable of the foundations and theoretical basis for special education, the developmental characteristics of special needs learners, and the instructional practices that best serve them. Upon successful completion of this concentration, the candidate will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the foundations of special education including the philosophy, history, legislation, and theory that continue to influence professional practice in the field. Candidates will be able to use research, experience, and professional judgment to collaborate and work with others in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of effective instruction and services for students with disabilities. Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of the developmental characteristics, culture, and background of special needs learners and how these differences influence the learning condition. The program meets the needs of students with interests within the traditional public and private school arenas and includes an emphasis on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the Counsel for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards, research-based teacher leadership skills, and 21st Century professional practices in instruction. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses including a capstone action research project conducted on a school or other pre-approved professional site.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC614 | Living and Learning with Exceptional Students | 3 |
EDUC616 | Foundations in Special Education and the Individuals with Disabilities Education | 3 |
EDUC618 | Classroom Accommodations and Modifications for Special Needs Learners | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Concentration in STEAM (STEM + the Arts) (9 semester hours)
This concentration provides a framework for candidates who are practicing, licensed teachers to learn about integrating curriculum through the lens of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) with the Arts (STEM + the Arts = STEAM). This concentration allows candidates to explore ways to use broader global and local resources and experts (e.g. scientists, artists, etc.) to make bridges among curricular areas so as to better prepare K-12 students to be innovative, creative thinkers. Concentration courses in this program focus on preparing candidates to teach K-12 students through interdisciplinary, problem-based, multimodal experiences. Candidates examine theory, research, and evidence-based practices; science, technology, math, and engineering concepts; and visual and performing arts content. This graduate program meets the needs of candidates with interests within both public and private school contexts and includes an emphasis on Common Core, the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards, and various fine arts national standards for education. Completion of the program does not lead to state certification or licensure. The program includes a total of 36 semester hours and is comprised of 12 online courses. Completion of the concentration does not lead to state certification or licensure.
Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:
- Apply STEM/STEAM theory, research, and evidence-based practices in elementary school contexts.
- Analyze ways to use global and local resources and experts in STEAM areas to facilitate elementary school students’ learning.
- Create interdisciplinary elementary school STEAM lesson plans.
Concentration Requirements (9 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC549 | Elementary School Arts Across the Curriculum | 3 |
EDUC623 | Online Learning and Student Achievement | 3 |
EDUC671 | Integrated Elementary Mathematics and Sciences | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 9 |
Final Program Requirements (3 semester hours)
Code | Title | Semester Hours |
EDUC698 | Capstone: Action Research 1 | 3 |
Total Semester Hours | 3 |
1 | Taken once all other requirements have been met. |