The Master of Arts in Transportation and Logistics Management focuses on the principles, policies, trends, and current issues within air, maritime, or ground transportation. Transportation and logistics management is at the core of global supply chain management, encompassing the manufacturing, distribution, retailing, recreation, and national security industries. This versatile master’s degree can help you obtain new skills relevant to industries such as the military, government, and large corporations whose success depends on the global fulfillment of customers’ requirements.

This program has been designed in consultation with industry business leaders and is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP®).

ACBPS® is a registered trademark of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.

Degree Program Objectives

In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes:

  • Apply economic principles to evaluate the performance of a transportation system.
  • Analyze the history, pattern, and impact of laws and regulation on the various modes of transportation in the United States.
  • Evaluate the importance of transportation at the organizational and national levels.
  • Examine global transportation issues including systems, documentation, providers, and challenges in international transportation.
  • Contrast and compare buyer/seller relationships, third-party relationships, negotiations, bidding, contracts, and the challenges of relationship management in transportation.

Degree at a Glance

Core Requirements15
Select one of the following concentrations:15
Final Program Requirements 3
Elective Requirements3
Total Semester Hours36

Degree Program Requirements

Core Requirements (15 semester hours)

BUSN501Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy 13
TLMT500History of Transportation3
TLMT601Transportation Economics3
TLMT603Strategic Intermodal Transportation3
TLMT611Global Logistics Management3
Total Semester Hours15

Students must choose a concentration for this degree program and may select from the General Concentration, Concentration in Maritime Engineering Management, or the Concentration in Reverse Logistics Management.

General Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

This general concentration allows you to select from all concentration courses offered in this program, including transportation systems, security, and business courses.

Select 5 courses from the following:15
Port Security
Airport Security Design
Transportation Policy and Planning
Comparative Transportation Systems
National Transportation Management
RFID Uses in Logistics
Cargo Security Management
Port and Terminal Operations
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Maritime Engineering Management Requirements (15 semester hours)

Takes an in-depth look at the workings of maritime port operations and intermodal transportation systems, including the governance and administration of ports and marine terminals. Topics include decision making and group behavior in organizations, the role of information systems as key management resources, and defensive measures to protect ports.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

HLSS645Port Security3
INFO531Management Information Systems3
MGMT603Organizational Development3
TLMT607Port and Terminal Operations3
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Reverse Logistics Management (15 semester hours)

This concentration is designed to educate professionals in advanced subjects in reverse logistics as a key component in logistics management. Students will analyze how reverse logistics is being used in their military or civilian logistics organization. It will provide students with advanced knowledge of current applications of reverse logistics use and opportunities to study practical applications in domestic and international transportation and logistics scenarios. In today’s competitive global transportation and logistics business climate, organizations are under pressure to adapt to new procedural and technological trends to improve the visibility of product and cargo flows through an ever-widening and complex supply chain. Within the next three to five years, one will see an increase in reverse logistics as a separate organizational component reporting directly to the CEO or CFO.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze and present the best practices of a reverse logistics operation.
  • Classify and explain the differences between forward and reverse logistics.
  • Compare and contrast different historical case studies of when a reverse logistics operation was a success and when it was a failure.
  • Explain the military and commercial industry history of reverse logistics compared to its current uses.
  • Conduct an informal survey of military or manufacturing or retail decision makers, and explain how to appraise qualitative as well as quantitative data and reports in the use of reverse logistics processes.
  • Differentiate the financial impact of reverse logistics from financial components within a business environment.
  • Examine and compare how a real-world application of reverse logistics is improving logistics visibility in a military, manufacturing and retail environment.
  • Design and write an implementation plan to use reverse technology processes and technology within a manufacturing, retail or military organization.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

RLMT500Reverse Logistics Management3
RLMT620Resource Commitment and Performance in Reverse Logistics3
RLMT630Recalls and Returns Management3
RLMT645Advanced Green Logistics3
RLMT650Reverse Logistics in the Retail Industry3
Total Semester Hours15

Final Program Requirements (3 semester hours)

BUSN697Master’s Capstone: E-Portfolio 13
Total Semester Hours3

 Elective Requirements (3 semester hours)

Select any graduate courses not already taken to fulfill the requirements listed above.3
Total Semester Hours3