SAHE501 Student Development Theory (3 semester hours)

Student Development Theory is a course focused on the principles and key concepts of working with traditional and nontraditional students in college settings. This course will examine the developmental processes that impact college students, student development theories, and development of effective programs to meet their various learning, personal, career, and identity development needs. (Prerequisites: EDUC511 and either SAHE510 or ADHE601)

SAHE502 Student Learning and Assessment (3 semester hours)

This course will explore learning theories and provide an overview of implementation strategies for enhancing student academic performance and assisting them with goal achievement. Research on learning and development will be reviewed. Ways to assess the quality of these efforts will be discussed as a means of determining the effectiveness of academic advising initiatives and their impact on student learning and success. (Prerequisites: SAHE510)

SAHE506 Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation (3 semester hours)

This course will introduce students to the process of developing strategic plans by guiding them through the cyclical process of planning, evaluation, and program review. Students will explore the theories relevant to the steps of this cyclical process and delve into the factors and circumstances that contribute to continuous improvement. Students will learn the necessary skills to evaluate programs by analyzing case studies and offering justifications for programmatic change. (Prerequisites: EDUC604 and SAHE510)

SAHE508 Organizations, Culture, and Change (3 semester hours)

This course will provide an overview on how organizations work and behave. The culture of organizations will be explored, how cultural values are developed and sustained, and how to bring about change. Students will review organizational theories in higher education and explore concepts related to management, performance, governance, and leadership. (Prerequisites: EDUC511 and either SAHE510 or ADHE601)

SAHE510 Introduction to Student Affairs (3 semester hours)

Introduction to Student Affairs is an introductory course providing a comprehensive overview of the historical and philosophical foundation of student affairs in higher education. Organizational, management, and leadership theories relevant to college settings, the roles and functions associated with careers in student affairs and college counseling, and contemporary trends and challenges will be examined. Students analyze higher education policies and procedures, programs, and services that meet the needs of diverse students in various institutional settings, including community colleges, four-year universities, and those that offer programs via distance education (Prerequisite: EDUC511)

SAHE515 The U.S. College Student (3 semester hours)

The U.S. College Student is a study of the characteristics, needs, and goals of college students as they vary across the nation according to student demographics and institution types. The course will involve a consideration of campus environments, curriculum, sociocultural factors, and financial and political issues, and other influences on the student experience. Implications for Student Affairs practice, educational attainment, and student development will be discussed. (Prerequisites: SAHE510)

SAHE520 Introduction to Academic Advising (3 semester hours)

This course will introduce students to the history and purpose of academic advising in higher education and the critical role it plays in promoting student success, retention, and learning. Students will learn foundational academic advising principles and values, academic advising models, and how academic advising delivery systems and programs have evolved to meet students’ changing needs. Essential competencies and skills will be discussed and standards for practice will be closely reviewed. (Prerequisites: SAHE510)

SAHE533 Academic Advising Theory and Practice (3 semester hours)

In this course students will develop a deeper understanding of various academic advising theories and how they can be put into practice on a day-to-day basis with individuals and groups. Students will also examine their own philosophical perspectives and academic advising styles to identify and become more self-aware of their own personal approaches. Students will develop their personal advising philosophy during this course. Prerequisites: SAHE510 and SAHE520)

SAHE695 Capstone Seminar for Student Affairs in Higher Education (3 semester hours)

This capstone course is the culminating required course for students who already work in a higher education student affairs role and desire additional professional development. The course exhibits the capability of the student within student affairs through the demonstration of their synthesis of the related theory and practice. Students will work with a faculty advisor to develop a research project that addresses a current issue facing higher education, preferably within the student’s professional context. This course will culminate with an e-portfolio and/or oral presentation. (Prerequisite: Completion of either a 12-unit concentration that includes EDUC640 Research Methods or completion of the 12-unit Executive Coaching concentration)

SAHE698 Practicum (3 semester hours)

The Practicum is the culminating required course for the student who is preparing to enter a higher education student affairs-related role. Students will take theory to practice during practicum and gain supervised professional experience in their concentration. Students will complete 150 hours at an approved practicum site. This course includes a practicum seminar during which students will reflect on their practicum experiences and connect these to the virtual classroom learning they have had in their graduate program. Practicum sites and positions must be approved before students can begin their required 150 hours. [Prerequisites: Completion of all core courses plus at least half of the concentration-specific courses from one of the following concentrations: Academic Advising Concentration, Campus Leadership Concentration, or Career Coaching and Services Concentration].