The graduate certificate in European History explores the rich antiquities of the medieval church, the rise of the Papacy, and the Renaissance. This online program also surveys the growth of humanism, prominent city-states, the monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire, religious wars, and the Catholic Reformation. By examining the early European history, you will discover how these fascinating events shaped the economies, industries, and cultures of the modern world. Special emphasis is placed on the economies, industries, societies, and culture of the U.S., Great Britain, Japan, and Germany during World War II.

Many university faculty members teaching our courses are published historians or military leaders who bring unique perspectives and relevant research into the classroom. You’ll also connect and interact online with other students who share your enthusiasm for history.

Certificate Objectives

Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to:

  • Explain and assess the medieval church and rise of the Renaissance papacy; growth of humanism, city-states, and monarchies of the Holy Roman Empire; religious upheavals; and the Catholic Reformation.
  • Distinguish the major social, political, and cultural changes of the Enlightenment in Europe from the death of Louis XIV to the fall of Napoleon.
  • Discern the origins of World War I in Europe and assess the combatants, strategies and tactics, technological innovation; war in France; war at sea; the peace settlement; and the occupation.
  • Compare and contrast the economies, industry, society, and culture of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and Germany during World War II.
  • Assess modern European history since the Congress of Vienna to include social, economic, cultural, and political experiences common to Europe; developments sharply differentiated from those in most other parts of the world.

Certificate Requirements (18 semester hours)

HIST510Graduate Seminar in World History3
HIST536History of the Enlightenment3
HIST54318th and 19th Century Europe3
HIST558The Great War3
HIST560World War II in Context3
HIST570Modern European History3
Total Semester Hours18