MUSI200 Music Appreciation (3 semester hours)

Spanning the Middle Ages through the twenty-first century, this course offers a thorough introduction to the elements of music, a broad overview of the history of musical styles, including cultural contexts and perspectives.

MUSI212 Jazz and Rock (3 semester hours)

This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to popular American music in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries and the cultural contributions of African Americans, Indigenous peoples, Hispanics, and European descendants. Students will learn about ragtime, jazz, how jazz became an art, blues, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and popular music. Important artists will be discussed, important songs will be reviewed, and the intersection of cultures will be analyzed throughout the course.

MUSI250 World Music and Cultures (3 semester hours)

World Music and Cultures explores traditional and popular from major regions of the world, and how music relates to its culture. Students develop knowledge of representative styles and regional characteristics in world music, including cultural context and perspectives.