HRMT101 Human Relations Communication (3 semester hours)
This course provides students with communication strategies from the behavioral sciences designed to establish positive relationships with individuals and groups in the modern workplace. Through readings, critical thinking exercises, problem-solving scenarios, written assignments, and case studies, students develop the human relations skills required to interact effectively with people at work. Communication skills and practices pertinent to ethical relationships with members of line management, co-workers, direct reports, customers, and the public are examined. Also, interpersonal and organizational applications associated with group/team functions, multicultural and multigenerational relationships, leadership, mentoring, and customer satisfaction are presented to assist students with the timely identification and resolution of communication issues and challenges.
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HRMT200 Human Resource Fundamentals (3 semester hours)
This introductory course focuses on the concepts and methods of managing human capital in an organization. Students will have the opportunity to explore human resource fundamentals by discussing practices in the selection, training, job analysis, evaluation, wage setting, incentive principles, merit rating, job efficiency, and labor/employee relations of human resources as applied to various types of organizations.
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HRMT201 Employee Training and Development (3 semester hours)
In the emerging global economy, only those organizations dedicated to continuous learning are expected to grow and thrive. This course is an examination of individual and organizational strategies designed to stimulate creative approaches to learning in organizations. Students will have the opportunity to outline individual development plans from an organizational and personal perspective. Theoretical foundations and practical issues involved in employee training and development in business organizations are explored.
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HRMT202 Interviewing Fundamentals (3 semester hours)
In today's workforce, being qualified is not enough. Most applicants are qualified, but they may not be the right fit for the culture. Interviewing has become a crucial process in organizations, and the outcome can determine the next path for many people. Therefore, it is important to spend time preparing for the actual interview meeting. This course will provide a comprehensive study on skill sets that interviewees should display to be the chosen candidate. Topics include communication and interpersonal skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, time and project management techniques, and managing change with a positive attitude and self-confidence. Emphasis will be placed on clear concise written and spoken communication regarding business correspondence and oral presentations.
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HRMT300 Negotiation I (3 semester hours)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of negotiation and distributive bargaining. It expands on the strategies of negotiation such as value claiming, value creation, mutual adjustments, ethics, and conflict management. Students will develop knowledge and skills and apply the characteristics of negotiation and distributive bargaining techniques to build relationships, establish agreements, and solve problems in real-world scenarios.
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HRMT301 Negotiation II (3 semester hours)
This course provides a specialized focus on negotiation. It expands on the techniques of perception, cognition, emotion, communication, power, relationships, teams, and cross-cultural concepts, principles, and theories in negotiation. Students will develop knowledge and skills and apply best practices in negotiation to build relationships, establish agreements, and solve problems in real-world scenarios. (Prerequisite; HRMT300)
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT340 Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace (3 semester hours)
With today’s evolving workforce, managers and leaders need to understand and embrace differences in the workplace in order to reap the benefits of diversity. In this course, students learn the dynamic nature of diversity and inclusion in order to utilize the potential of diversity for greater performance and innovation. Students learn to differentiate ethnocentric and ethno-relative mindsets. In a final project, students will recommend strategies to incorporate diversity and inclusion initiatives in an organization.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT407 Human Resource Management (3 semester hours)
This course provides an overview of concepts, skills, theories and techniques involving human resource management(i.e. recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisals, reward systems, and benefit programs). Students will have the opportunity to review scenarios involving innovative HR practices in the workplace.
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HRMT411 Dispute Resolution (3 semester hours)
This course focuses on the principles, practices, and processes of dispute and conflict resolution. The course draws on interdisciplinary materials from social science, decision theory, management/labor relations, law, and others. Course curriculum incorporates a review of non-binding dispute resolution strategies such as negotiation and mediation, binding strategies including arbitration, and psychological challenges to overcoming conflict such as cognitive perception biases.
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HRMT412 Compensation and Benefits (3 semester hours)
This course establishes a foundation for the art of compensation and benefit practices. Students will examine the context of compensation and benefit practices, the criteria used to compensate employees, compensation system design issues, employee benefits, and contemporary challenges that compensation and benefits professionals will face given the current economic times.
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HRMT413 Employment and Labor Relations (3 semester hours)
This course will explore the historical evolution and current state of employment relations theory. Workplace democracy, the source of workplace conflict, alienation, the evolution of class, collective bargaining, and other issues are discussed from a variety of perspectives. Students will become familiar with terminology and practices such as employee-employer relationships in non-unionized and unionized settings; problems and theories of union organizing, collective bargaining, and contract administration.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT415 Human Resource Management Information Systems (3 semester hours)
This course provides a basic overview of various automated information systems that are available to support today's human resource departments. Students will have the opportunity to explore online, offline, and hybrid HR software applications as well as other automated processes. Additional topics include HR analytics, systems security, individual privacy, legal implications and streamlined interview process.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT416 Human Resource Development (3 semester hours)
Training and development is no longer an option for organizations – continuous learning has become an essential requirement for those companies that wish to sustain market share and compete successfully in the marketplace. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the training and development function and is applicable to all organizations and jobs. Training methods, theories, research findings, and issues regarding training, employee development, and the career management function in organizations will be explored.
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HRMT419 Recruitment and Staffing (3 semester hours)
Hiring a new employee can be costly, and the cost becomes greater with the selection of an individual who is not a good fit. Therefore, the talent management and development functions spend quality time developing strategic plans to address the organization's recruitment, selection, and retention initiatives. This course examines external and internal staffing processes and practices needed for a successful search. Students will explore the various techniques/methods for determining whether individuals possess the knowledge, skills and abilities required by the organization.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT427 International Human Resource Management (3 semester hours)
This course explores the importance of human resource management in the context of the global marketplace, including topics on culture, compensation and benefits, managing expatriates, global labor markets, managing diverse teams, and the legal and regulatory considerations that global organizations face. This course will help you identify differences in operating domestically versus globally, and adapt human resource practices successfully in foreign markets.
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HRMT430 Performance Management (3 semester hours)
This course examines how to measure and develop individual and group performance. Students will have the opportunity to design performance management systems in an effort to align employee performance with an organization’s strategic objectives. There will be an exploration of methods, theories and issues regarding workforce expectations and performance.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.
HRMT440 Managing Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives (3 semester hours)
Students will learn tactics to improve the work environment so that all employees feel included, supported, and valued. Students will learn effective approaches to biases and conflict related to diversity. In a course project, students will recommend inclusion strategies to maximize employee performance, creativity, and innovation.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.