HLSS154 Mind of a Terrorist (3 semester hours)

This course explores psychological and behavioral perspectives of terrorism. Specifically, the course examines the circumstances underlying why people radicalize and join terrorist groups, engage in terrorist activities, assume various terrorist roles, and, in some instances, de-radicalize and disengage from terrorist activities.

HLSS211 Emergency Response to Terrorism (3 semester hours)

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of terrorism in the world today. The course examines the history of international and domestic terrorist groups, both state and non-state actors. The course covers the legal aspects of terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), the composition of WMD that threatens the world including chemical weapons, industrial chemical materials, biological agents, radiological and nuclear materials as well as explosives and explosive devices. The course also addresses the impact of the complexities of terrorism and Chemical Biologic Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapons on the emergency response community. The course will look at the pre-planning, mitigation, response, and recovery stages. The class will examine the actions necessary to bring the event to termination including: protecting the population and emergency responder, the roles of federal regulations to secure that protection; how the event is treated as a crime and the actions necessary to secure evidence and protect the environment.

HLSS212 Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazards (3 semester hours)

This course provides an in-depth study of the nature and tactical use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents/weapons by nation-states, state-sponsored organizations, and terrorists. The course will also discuss agricultural attacks and various approaches to deter the use of CBRN agents, materials, and weapons.

HLSS215 Regulatory Issues in Weapons of Mass Destruction (3 semester hours)

This course focuses on the strategic and regulatory issues associated with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) response. Course topics include WMD-relevant public law, definitions, reporting authorities, and jurisdictional and functional issues that govern organizations, technical companies, medical providers, and the scientific world. Other topics include the moral/ethical issues of using WMD, various aspects of WMD response, global CBRN threats, and CBRN arms limitations, treaties, organizations, regimes, and agreements.

HLSS230 Chemistry of Explosives (3 semester hours)

This course offers explosive handlers, bomb disposal technicians and responders an introduction to the chemical make-up and associated hazards of explosive substances. The combination of challenging reference sources and instructional interchange immerses the student in the world of explosive compounds including the research and development behind many explosive compounds widely used throughout the world today. This combination of reference materials, website research and group-related projects, allows the new explosive handler to learn the scientific basis for the long lists of safety precautions involved when handling explosives. Topics include, but are not limited to, history of explosives; basic chemical composition of explosives; and, safety precautions and guidelines when approaching or handling explosives. It will also cover researching information sites and references for material ranging from basic safety precautions of explosives to the resources available for emergency handlers and responders. The course helps students understand the hazards associated with common explosive materials.

HLSS231 History of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (3 semester hours)

This course is a dynamic and information packed introduction to the history of incendiaries and explosives. Included is a short study of the origins of modern-day Bomb Disposal and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Teams and their evolving techniques. The course examines areas and ideas from the ancient mystique of “Greek Fire” and the inventions of gunpowder and high explosives, up to modern-day nuclear reactions and weapons of mass destruction. The course provides an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the history and background of the science and mechanics applied to explosive technologies, and provides for a better understanding of those who work to render safe unexploded hazards.

HLSS232 Electronics, Electricity, and Explosives (3 semester hours)

This course is designed for Explosive handling technicians, police or military, or others who respond to incidents involving hazardous devices containing electrical and/or electronic components. Concepts covered include the important differences between electricity and electronics (E&E) from the scientific and technical perspective and the practical situational aspects of threats posed to any handler of suspicious E&E devices. Specific areas are covered in a logical and easy to digest manner and include the fundamental principles of Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) including series, parallel, and series parallel circuits; hazardous device circuit component operations and capabilities; and, safety precautions and guidelines when dealing with circuits contained in hazardous devices. The course focuses on how to conduct research on information sites and references for basic circuitry and helps students recognize the technical aspects of circuit theory, components and capabilities required to effectively perform diagnostic procedures.

HLSS233 Explosive Incident Assessment: Methods, Practices, Protocols (3 semester hours)

This course is an overview of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). It provides a framework in which to evaluate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) utilized by military and civilian Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams and Hazardous Devices teams in the field. The extremely hazardous nature of these operations lends itself to a detailed evaluation of the methods; practices and protocols used during live ordnance and emergency response calls. Formal EOD guidance contained in military instructions and regulations, and Federal Codes of Regulation (CFRs) are examined as references and for operational compliance. They are evaluated for efficacy in meeting the often conflicting and demanding needs of EOD operators. Procedures covered include the full spectrum of military EOD Required Operational Capabilities. Included are high-risk evolutions such as diving and demolition operations, parachuting and rappelling operations, and, response to weapons of mass destruction, and small arms employment under hostile and time constrained conditions. The vulnerability and risk of specific EOD procedures to terrorists’ actions is defined, and proposed countermeasures are weighted for effectiveness. The application of industry “Best Practice” risk management processes is examined for application to the Explosive Ordnance Disposal field.

HLSS300 Research Methods in Homeland Security Studies (3 semester hours)

This class is highly recommended as the first course that upper-level homeland security students should take. It will prepare students to employ basic research methods and use their writing skills to produce sound research papers and analyses. Students taking this course will gain the knowledge of how to develop a research strategy, critically read and evaluate data, and communicate their findings in coherent, well-organized written work.

HLSS302 Introduction to Homeland Security and Defense (3 semester hours)

This course offers a broad overview of key operational and policy areas the United States government employs to best ensure U.S. domestic security. Students will explore and discover central themes that create the framework of the homeland security enterprise that emerged after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and continues to evolve.

HLSS303 Homeland Security Risk, Threats and Consequences (3 semester hours)

This course examines the homeland security threat landscape by examining risks, threats, and consequences as they apply to local communities, states, and the nation.

HLSS305 Private Sector Homeland Security (3 semester hours)

The private sector is responsible for much of what has become known as the “homeland security enterprise.” This course will address this expanding role and address the responsibility of private sector entities in securing the homeland.

HLSS310 Critical Infrastructure Protection (3 semester hours)

This course provides an overview of critical infrastructures and their relationships to one another. Critical infrastructure sectors will be analyzed to determine prioritization, potential areas of vulnerability to threats, and potential counter-measures that can be utilized. Students will explore issues pertaining to planning, securing, and responding to these infrastructures under serious threat to ensure continuity of operations. Factors that should be considered in the response to minimize disruption and improve first responder safety will also be discussed.

HLSS311 Border and Coastal Security (3 semester hours)

This course is a study of the federal, state and local organizations involved in border and coastal security, associated homeland security issues, the various policy and operational strategies used for border and coastal access and security, and contemporary border and coastal security concerns. Topics also include immigration and non-U.S. approaches to border and coastal security.

HLSS312 Port Security (3 semester hours)

This course is designed to provide students with a broad knowledge of port security issues. It examines the critical importance of ports to trade and the U.S. economy, as well as ports’ vulnerability to disruption and attack. Legislation, port facility management and operations, access controls, and future maritime threats will also be discussed in this course.

HLSS320 Intelligence and Homeland Security (3 semester hours)

This course focuses on the development and evolution of U.S. intelligence support to the homeland security enterprise. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of U.S. Intelligence Community members and the support they provide to the federal, state, and local levels as well as the intelligence collection programs for supporting homeland security. Also addressed in this course is the analysis of a terrorist group that threatens the homeland and how intelligence support could be used to counter the threat.

HLSS322 Homeland Security Legal and Ethical Issues (3 semester hours)

This course provides an overview of legal and ethical issues in homeland security. Homeland security legislation and executive orders will be discussed, as will international law, conventions, and declarations. The central focus of the course is the balance of goals, strategies, and objectives for effective homeland security while preserving civil liberties. Issues surrounding intelligence and the use of surveillance, rights of U.S. citizens and foreign nationals, immigration, transportation security, and cyber security will all be examined.

HLSS323 Homegrown Violent Extremism (3 semester hours)

This course explores homegrown and domestic violent extremism in Western society, which has significantly increased due to the inspiration of domestic causes, foreign causes, and terrorist groups. This course examines the ideology of homegrown and domestic extremists and the different models of why and how people become radicalized and take violent action against their fellow citizens. Also addressed in this course is the increasing use of social media to recruit and radicalize individuals, initiatives to counter homegrown and domestic violent extremism, and efforts to de-radicalize individuals.

HLSS498 Senior Seminar in Homeland Security (3 semester hours)

This senior capstone course allows students majoring in homeland security to analyze specific program related issues and problems using the knowledge and understanding gained by completing the required courses in the program and a significant number of the major courses. Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 106 hours towards your program.