GEOG101 Introduction to Geography (3 semester hours)

This course is a basic overview of the geographer’s study of the location and distribution of features on the Earth’s surface. These features are both natural and man-made, both physically and culturally determined. The relationship of people and place is central to an understanding of human history, contemporary events, and possible global futures. As an introductory course it covers the whole globe and all its greatest geographic features and relationships. This dictates that the approach is broad and not too deep. However, knowledge of the geographer’s art will enable students to delve as deeply as their interest and energy will allow, into the dynamic spatial realities that surround them.

GEOG103 Physical Geography (3 semester hours)

Physical Geography includes the study of processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Specific topics include maps and map reading, temperature cycles, storms formation, plate tectonic theory, structures of volcanoes, flooding, coastline formation, glaciations, ice ages, and the distribution of plants and animals on the planet. This course is an excellent choice for anyone with interest in environmental studies, natural hazards and the science behind earth processes. NOTE: This course requires the student to purchase additional materials that are not covered by the book grant. Please refer to the Course Materials section for additional details.

GEOG200 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems I (3 semester hours)

The term “Geographic Information System” refers to the synthesis of information (data), software, and hardware for the express purpose of better understanding the world in which we live. Data are collected and managed within this system, and are ultimately used to question, analyze, and interpret patterns that occur throughout physical space. The interaction between different types of data reveals patterns and relationships that are not otherwise readily detectable. This course will provide students with the theoretical concepts necessary for advancement in the field of GIS, and further enhance their experience in a wide range of multidisciplinary endeavors. Note: This course requires students to install software on a Windows-based computer (Windows 7 or higher) in order to complete assigned course work.

GEOG201 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems II (3 semester hours)

This course builds upon principles covered in Fundamentals of GIS I and will provide students an emphasis of hands-on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) experience while solidifying the foundation of the concepts learned in Fundamentals of GIS I. The objectives of this course are to begin establishing a solid foundation in the operation of GIS systems and to teach organizational skills needed for successful GIS project management. Overall this course prepares the student for learning beginning and intermediate functional applications of GIS as well as spatial data analysis. Note: This course requires students to install software on a Windows-based computer (Windows 7 or higher) in order to complete assigned course work. (Prerequisite: GEOG200)