ENGR200 Introduction to Engineering and Computing (3 semester hours)
This course provides an overview of the engineering profession and introduces the student to writing computer programs. The course provides information about different engineering disciplines and gives an overview of electrical engineering. The APUS electrical engineering concentrations are introduced and it describes what career opportunities are available in those concentrations. Additional Engineering subjects are presented including Engineering Ethics and Management. The class presents the principles of structured programming using the C++ language. The course is designed for engineering students without previous programming experience. Topics include: Introductions to computers, C++ programming, classes, objects, strings, control statements, recursion, functions, arrays, vectors, and pointers. Finally, an introductory engineering design problem will be presented which gives the students an opportunity to solve a problem. (Prerequisite: ELEN100)
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ENGR300 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (3 semester hours)
This course presents the fundamental mechanical principles of engineering required for any course of study in the engineering sciences. The student will be introduced to the principles and applications of statics, dynamics, thermodynamics and heat transfer. Students will study the interaction between mechanical and electrical systems and apply analogies between the two. Topics include: Technical problem solving and communication skills; Forces in Structures and Machines; Materials and Stresses; Fluids Engineering; Thermal and Energy Systems; Motion and Power Transmission. Finally, the course will present the essentials of the mechanical engineering profession and where it fits in the world of technology. (Prerequisites: SCIN234 and MATH240)
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.