The Pre-Health Certificate provides a foundation for students who are interested in the healthcare field. General Education courses in the humanities, sciences, and mathematics provide a strong foundation for further studies in allied healthcare fields. The curriculum is composed of classroom and laboratory experiences that serve as admission and prerequisite requirements in most nursing and other healthcare-related degree programs.

Certificate Objectives

Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to:

  • Form strong academic habits and skills required to enter healthcare related academic programs
  • Establish a strong foundation in the arts and sciences
  • Prepare for advanced study in nursing and other related healthcare fields

Program at a Glance

Certificate Requirements23
Elective Requirements3
Total Semester Hours26

Program Requirements

Certificate Requirements (23 semester hours)

CHEM133General Chemistry I with Lab4
BIOL133General Biology I with Lab4
BIOL202Principles of Microbiology with Lab4
BIOL250Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab I4
BIOL251Human Anatomy and Physiology with Lab II4
MATH110College Algebra3
Total Semester Hours23

Elective Requirements (3 semester hours)

Select any courses that have not been used to fulfill certificate requirements.3
Total Semester Hours3