The undergraduate certificate in Intelligence Analysis helps you to enhance your critical thinking and analytical skills required for gauging and forecasting potential threats to U.S. national security. You will study the fundamentals of intelligence analysis while looking at the historical evolution of the U.S. national intelligence. Topics in this 6-course certificate program focus on advanced qualitative analytic procedures, basic modeling, and predictive analysis skills. The online certificate is designed for undergraduate students who want to improve their knowledge of intelligence analysis without committing to a degree program.

Certificate Objectives

Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to:

  • Conduct basic research and provide professional analyses on issues critical to intelligence consumers.
  • Identify the basic cognitive science principles that underlie human information processing and problem solving such as intelligence analysis.
  • Complete intermediate-level analyses in selected areas critical to intelligence consumers.

Certificate Requirements (18 semester hours)

SSGS300Research Design and Methods3
INTL401Critical Analysis3
INTL402Intelligence Analysis3
INTL434Threat Analysis3
Select 2 courses from the following:6
Applied Geospatial Intelligence
Criminal Intelligence Analysis
Geographic Information Systems I
Geographic Information Systems II
Intelligence and Narcotics
Forecasting Terrorism
Total Semester Hours18