The Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration helps to prepare students to meet the challenging and changing demands of leadership within healthcare organizations, systems, and facilities. Students will gain knowledge and practical skills from a variety of disciplines; including healthcare, public health, health information management, and business. Skills in communication, organizational management, leadership, critical thinking, and practical decision making are pertinent competencies which apply to the healthcare administration field. The healthcare administration degree program consists of core courses in the key areas of accounting, legal and ethical principles, reimbursement methodologies, delivery systems and documentation, economics and finance, compliance, quality and safety, research management, and strategic planning and marketing, and informatics and analysis. This degree is designed for students with an interest in healthcare operations within healthcare facilities and systems.

Degree Program Objectives

In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve these learning outcomes::

  • Evaluate and develop solutions and strategies for complex problems within the healthcare industry.

  • Analyze healthcare issues and policies and develop strategies for maintaining quality, safety, and value of healthcare programs.

  • Implement process improvement tools to identify problems and improve processes within healthcare programs.

  • Apply ethical standards for decision-making in healthcare organizations.

  • Assess contemporary and future marketing strategies to achieve organizational goals.

  • Assess technologies and healthcare informatics for implementation in healthcare organizations.

Degree at a Glance

General Education Requirements30
Major Required48
Select one of the following concentrations:15
Final Program Requirements3
Elective Requirements24
Total Semester Hours120

Degree Program Requirements

General Education Requirements (30 semester hours)

Arts and Humanities (6 semester hours) 1
Select 2 courses from the following:6
Arabic I
Arabic II
Art Appreciation
Survey of Photography
Film and Literature
Image Enhancement using Adobe Photoshop®
French I
French II
German I
German II
Introduction to Japanese
Literature of American Encounters, Revolution, and Rebellion
From Abolition to #MeToo: Literature of the American Civil Rights Movement
Pivotal Figures in Early British Literature
British Literature from Wordsworth through the Wasteland
Leadership in World Literature: Antiquity to the Early Modern Period
Literature of the Newly Globalized World: The Individual’s Struggle to Adapt
Music Appreciation
Jazz and Rock
World Music and Cultures
Introduction to Philosophy
Critical Thinking
Introduction to Ethics
Philosophy of Science
Introduction to Brazilian Portuguese
Introduction to the Study of Religion
Introduction to World Religions
Russian I
Spanish I
Spanish II
Thinking and Acting Ethically
Civics, Political and Social Sciences (6 semester hours) 1
Select 2 courses from the following:6
Introduction to Anthropology
World Archaeology
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Human Sexuality
Planning Your Future with Purpose in Health Sciences
Social Media and Society
Intercultural Communication
Humane Education: A Global Interdisciplinary Perspective
Introduction to Geography
Practical Food Safety and Awareness
International Relations I
Forgotten America--Under Represented Cultures in American Literature
Introduction to Political Science
American Government I
Introduction to Psychology
Death and Dying
Race & Religion
Hope and Resilience
Introduction to Sociology
Social Problems
American Popular Culture
Exploring Society and Cultures via Science Fiction
Communication: Writing, Oral, and Multimedia (9 semester hours)
COMM120Information and Digital Literacy3
ENGL110Making Writing Relevant3
Select 1 course from the following:3
Public Speaking
Proficiency in Writing
Argumentation and Rhetoric
Introduction to Literature
Technical Writing
Scientific Writing
Effective Business Communication
Human Relations Communication
Information Literacy and Global Citizenship
Introduction to Information Technology Writing
Human Relations
History (3 semester hours)
Select 1 course from the following:3
American History to 1877
American History since 1877
World Civilization before 1650
World Civilization since 1650
Western Civilization before The Thirty Years War
Western Civilization since The Thirty Years War
African-American History before 1877
African-American History since 1877
History of the American Indian
History of Science
The History and Context of STEM
Mathematics and Applied Reasoning (3 semester hours)
Select 1 course from the following:3
Accounting for Non Accounting Majors
Fundamentals of Programming
College Algebra
College Trigonometry
Introduction to Statistics
Math for Liberal Arts Majors
Natural Sciences (3 semester hours)
Select 1 course from the following:3
Introduction to Biology
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to Meteorology
Introduction to Geology
Introduction to Environmental Science
Introduction to Physics
Introduction to Astronomy
Introduction to STEM Disciplines
Total Semester Hours30

Major Required (48 semester hours)

PBHE111Introduction to Health Care Administration3
PBHE112Health Services Organization3
PBHE215Healthcare: Moral Issues3
HIMA240Healthcare Reimbursement Methodologies3
HIMA250Healthcare Delivery Systems and Documentation3
HCAD300Legal and Ethical Principles in Healthcare3
HCAD301Healthcare Principles and Policies3
HCAD302Healthcare Quality and Safety3
MGMT311Organizational Behavior3
PBHE315Health Economics and Finance3
HCAD400Strategic Planning and Marketing in Healthcare3
HCAD401Finance and Budgeting for Healthcare Administrators3
HRMT407Human Resource Management3
HIMA410Informatics and Analytics3
HIMA460Healthcare Data Management and Governance3
Total Semester Hours48

Students must choose a concentration for this degree program and may select from a Concentration in Addiction Treatment Facility Management, Concentration in Correctional Healthcare Facility Management, Concentration in Emergency Management, Concentration in Leadership, or Concentration in Mental Healthcare Facility Management.

Concentration in Addiction Treatment Facility Management (15 semester hours)

Focuses on theories and necessary skills to successfully manage an outpatient addiction treatment facility.  Addiction and substance abuse will be explored.  Emphasis will also be placed on the business skills that are essential for a leader in this setting including: leadership and motivation, dispute resolution, strategic planning, and the principles of sales.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze the reasons people commonly abuse substances
  • Evaluate current treatment modalities & report on their effectiveness
  • Examine various leadership approaches and distinguish the purposes for each.
  • Discuss the different types of sales presentations and what goes into their planning

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

PSYC324Psychology of Addiction & Substance Abuse3
HRMT411Dispute Resolution3
MGMT312Leadership & Motivation3
BUSN310Business Theory3
MKTG301Principles of Sales3
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Correctional Healthcare Facility Management (15 semester hours)

Focuses on theories and intricacies involved with managing a healthcare program in a correctional setting. Corrections and incarceration, criminology, and ethics in criminal justice will be explored. The psychology of addiction and substance abuse will also be discussed.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast state and federal correction organization and administration
  • Analyze the cost and health issues associated with older inmates
  • Compare and contrast biological and psychological theories of crime.
  • Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of budget preparation, approval, and execution processes.
  • Outline strategies employed by leaders in criminal justice organizations to effectively prevent ethics violations.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

CMRJ316Corrections and Incarceration3
PSYC324Psychology of Addiction & Substance Abuse3
BUSN310Business Theory3
CMRJ308Ethics in Criminal Justice3
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Emergency Management (15 semester hours)

Focuses on theories and necessary skills to be a successful emergency manager within the healthcare leader role. Emergency planning and disaster are explored. Special operations in emergency medical services and specific techniques to control disaster, such as quarantine, are also discussed.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Evaluate theoretical, historical, and contemporary issues associated with quarantine as a public health and safety measure.
  • Analyze specialized issues associated with emergency medical services in mass casualty, biological, chemical and radiological incidents.
  • Define and discuss the roles and responsibilities of the Incident Command System used in crises, disasters, and emergency management response systems.
  • Examine media management during local/national disasters and the levels of governmental response.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

EDMG220Emergency Planning3
EDMG230Emergency and Disaster Incident Command3
EDMG420Risk Communications3
PBHE413Special Operations in Emergency Medical Services3
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Leadership (15 semester hours)

Focuses on theories and necessary skills to prepare the successful manager to lead in today’s evolving healthcare organization.  Leadership and motivation, dispute resolution, and organizational change will be explored.  Additionally, management ethics and virtual management will be discussed.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Appraise the various models and approaches to organizational change.
  • Assemble Leadership skills required in a virtual team and challenges faced by Virtual team leaders as well as tips, techniques and best practices for leading high performance.
  • Analyze and critique leadership and motivation case studies using relevant models, theories, concepts, and terms.
  • Evaluate the various leadership skills necessary at all stages of organizational change.
  • Examine the application of leadership concepts and ethical theories in the business environment.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

HRMT411Dispute Resolution3
ITMG421Virtual Management3
MGMT312Leadership & Motivation3
MGMT313Organizational Change3
MGMT314Management Ethics3
Total Semester Hours15

Concentration in Mental Healthcare Facility Management (15 semester hours)

Focuses on theories and necessary skills to successfully manage an outpatient mental healthcare facility.  Addiction and substance abuse, personality theories, and child welfare and advocacy will be explored.  Dispute resolution and leadership and motivation will also be discussed.


Upon successful completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

  • Analyze how substances affect the mind and body and society
  • Analyze the reasons people commonly abuse substances
  • Examine the major theories of human personality
  • Analyze and critique leadership and motivation case studies using relevant models, theories, concepts, and terms.
  • Examine various leadership approaches and distinguish the purposes for each.

Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

PSYC324Psychology of Addiction & Substance Abuse3
PSYC221Personality Theories3
CHFD230Child Welfare and Advocacy3
HRMT411Dispute Resolution3
MGMT312Leadership & Motivation3
Total Semester Hours15

Final Program Requirements (3 semester hours)

HCAD498Senior Seminar in Health Sciences (to be taken as the last course before graduation) 13
Total Semester Hours3

Elective Requirements (24 semester hours)

Select any courses not already taken to fulfill the requirements listed above. Credits applied toward a minor or certificate in an unrelated field may be used to fulfill elective credit for the major.24
Total Semester Hours24