INTD310 | Applied Interdisciplinary Perspectives | 3 |
| 9 |
| Intermediate Accounting I | |
| Intermediate Accounting II | |
| Intermediate Accounting III | |
| Accounting Information Systems | |
| Auditing | |
| Cost Accounting | |
| Managerial/Cost Accounting | |
| Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting | |
| Law for Accountants | |
| Individual Federal Taxes | |
| Applied Analytics I | |
| Applied Analytics II | |
| Applied Analytics III | |
| Residential Real Estate Portfolio Development | |
| Commercial Real Estate Portfolio Development | |
| Real Estate Communication and Negotiation | |
| The Legal Environment of Business | |
| Real Estate Marketing | |
| Business Theory | |
| Law and Ethics in the Business Environment | |
| Operations Research | |
| Principles of E Business | |
| Fundamentals of Business Analysis I | |
| Fundamentals of Business Analysis II | |
| Project Management for Business Analysts | |
| Strategic Policy Decision-Making | |
| Operational Crisis Management | |
| Operational Business Continuity | |
| Operational Sustainability and Crisis Management | |
| Operational Emergency Preparedness | |
| Analytics II | |
| Critical Thinking Strategies for Business Decisions | |
| International Business Management | |
| Real Estate Management | |
| Advanced Analytics | |
| Introduction to Business Project Management | |
| Project Schedule and Scope Management | |
| Project Integration, Quality, Resource, and Stakeholder Management | |
| Foundations of Entrepreneurship | |
| The Family Owned Business | |
| Business Plan Foundations | |
| Social Entrepreneurship | |
| Non-Profit Entrepreneurship | |
| Financing a New Venture | |
| Practical Law for the Entrepreneur | |
| Small Business Customer Service | |
| Money Management for Entrepreneurs | |
| Marketing the Successful Small Business | |
| Innovative Marketing | |
| Social Media to Grow Small Business | |
| The Value of Networking | |
| Operating a Small Business | |
| Strategic Growth | |
| Technological Innovation | |
| Virtual Small Business | |
| Foundations of Financial Management | |
| Principles of Financial Management | |
| Budget Development and Execution | |
| Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry | |
| Hospitality Law | |
| Nutrition in the Food Service Industry | |
| Meeting and Convention Planning | |
| Convention Sales and Services | |
| Management of Lodging Operations | |
| History and Culture of Wine | |
| Business and Conference Hospitality Mgmt | |
| Marketing and the Hospitality Industry | |
| Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry | |
| Leadership and Management in Hospitality | |
| Managing Technology in the Hospitality Industry | |
| Quality Service Management | |
| Advanced Tourism and Hospitality Management | |
| Meeting and Event Risk Management | |
| Destinations and Cultures | |
| Negotiation I | |
| Negotiation II | |
| Human Resource Management | |
| Dispute Resolution | |
| Compensation and Benefits | |
| Employment and Labor Relations | |
| Human Resource Management Information Systems | |
| Human Resource Development | |
| Recruitment and Staffing | |
| International Human Resource Management | |
| Performance Management | |
| Management Information Systems | |
| Computer Systems Organization: Advanced | |
| Computer Hardware Systems | |
| Biometrics | |
| Cloud Computing | |
| Legal Issues in Information Security | |
| Wireless Networks | |
| Open Source System Security | |
| Service Oriented Architecture | |
| Computer Forensics | |
| Information Assurance | |
| IT Security: Risk Management | |
| IT Security: Access Control and Authentication | |
| IT Security: Physical and Peripheral Defense | |
| Mobile Application Security | |
| Mobile Device Security | |
| Computer and Network Security | |
| Information Security | |
| Cloud Security and Privacy | |
| Wireless and Mobile Network Security | |
| Cybercrime | |
| Cybersecurity | |
| Digital Forensics: Investigation Procedures and Response | |
| Digital Forensics: Investigating Wireless Networks and Devices | |
| Digital Forensics: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime Security | |
| Digital Forensics: Investigating Data and Image Files | |
| Digital Forensics: Hard Disc and Operating Systems | |
| IT Security: Countermeasures | |
| IT Security: Auditing | |
| IT Security: Planning and Policy | |
| Privacy and Cyberethics in Mobile and Wireless Networks | |
| Contemporary Internet Topics | |
| Virtual Management | |
| Ethics in Information Technology | |
| Principles and Theory of Management | |
| Organizational Behavior | |
| Leadership & Motivation | |
| Organizational Change | |
| Management Ethics | |
| Management Communications | |
| Leading Yourself Foundations | |
| Strategic Management | |
| Strategic Planning | |
| Public Relations | |
| Advertising | |
| Consumer Behavior | |
| Social Media Marketing | |
| Digital Marketing | |
| Marketing Research | |
| Marketing Strategy | |
| Marketing Management | |
| International Marketing | |
| Branding | |
| Integrated Marketing Communications | |
| Introduction to Reverse Logistics Management | |
| Environmental Issues in Reverse Logistics | |
| Technology in Reverse Logistics | |
| Reverse Logistics Policies and Procedures | |
| Cost and Benefit Analysis of Reverse Logistics | |
| Green Logistics Programs and Issues | |
| Food and Beverage Reverse Logistics | |
| Reverse Logistics Management and Operations | |
| Recalls Best Practices and Issues | |
| Retail Strategy | |
| Retail Innovation | |
| Retail Operations | |
| Retail Merchandising Operations | |
| Digital Retail | |
| Digital Retail Technologies | |
| Digital Retail Analytics | |
| Digital Retail Strategies | |
| Digital Merchandising | |
| Retail Cybersecurity | |
| Sports and Recreation Facility Management | |
| Ethics in Sports | |
| Applied Concepts in Sports Finance | |
| Sports Event Management and Planning | |
| Sports Governance | |
| Ticket Sales Management | |
| Introduction to Transportation Management | |
| Transportation Economics | |
| Supply Chain Management | |
| Hazardous Materials Transportation | |
| Fundamentals of Intermodal Transportation | |
| Logistics Management | |
| International Logistics Management | |
| Packaging | |
| Distribution Systems | |
| Logistics Management and Operations | |
| Hazardous Materials Management | |
| Best Practices in Reverse Logistics | |
| Air Transportation | |
| Airport Operations | |
| Air Cargo Operations and Security | |
| Advanced Business Logistics | |
| International Trade and Regulations | |
| 9 |
| Communication Research Skills | |
| Communication Theory | |
| Journalism | |
| Strategic Communication | |
| Digital Communication and Media Design Principles | |
| Inclusive Communication | |
| Communication Analytics | |
| Situational Communication | |
| Web and Mobile Communication | |
| Communication of Listening | |
| Persuasive Communication | |
| Conflict and Communication | |
| Media Law | |
| Leadership Communication | |
| Building a Digital Presence | |
| Strategic Communication Career Management and Ethics | |
| Digital Communication and Media Design Career Management and Future Technologies | |
| Freelance Writing | |
| The Personal Essay | |
| WordPlay: A Biography of the English Language | |
| Advanced Creative Writing | |
| User Interface Design | |
| Internet Concepts | |
| Web eCommerce Development | |
| Search Engine Optimization | |
| Enterprise Data Exchange Using XML | |
| 9 |
| Child and Adolescent Development | |
| Infant-Toddler Development | |
| Guidance in Early Childhood | |
| Special Needs Students | |
| Parenting | |
| Family Development | |
| Human Life Span Development | |
| Marriage and the Family | |
| Family Life Education | |
| Family Resource Management | |
| Child Psychopathology | |
| Children and Stress | |
| Family Communications | |
| Families and Social Action | |
| U.S. Law Enforcement | |
| Criminology | |
| Criminal Investigation | |
| Ethics in Criminal Justice | |
| Corrections and Incarceration | |
| Law Enforcement Intelligence Applications | |
| The History of Organized Crime | |
| Criminal Profiling | |
| Crime Analysis | |
| Criminalistics | |
| Human Trafficking | |
| The Pathology of Death Investigations | |
| Acquisition Business Management | |
| Program and Acquisition Management I | |
| Program and Acquisition Management II | |
| Defense Budget Development and Execution | |
| Transition and the Military Family | |
| Program Appraisal | |
| Acquisition Test & Evaluation | |
| Cost Analysis and Negotiation Techniques | |
| Joint Contingency Contracting | |
| Mission Support Contracting I | |
| Mission Support Contracting II | |
| Overhead Management of Defense Contracts | |
| Natural Disaster Management | |
| Social Media Application to Emergency and Disaster Management | |
| Managerial Issues in Hazardous Materials | |
| Consequence Management | |
| Risk Communications | |
| Classroom Management | |
| Adult Learning Theory | |
| Curriculum Design | |
| Measurement and Evaluation | |
| Child Life Theory and Practice | |
| Benefits of Therapeutic Play | |
| Death, Dying, and Grief | |
| U.S. Intelligence Community | |
| Intelligence Collection | |
| Law and Ethics in Intelligence | |
| Critical Analysis | |
| Intelligence Analysis | |
| Counterintelligence Operations | |
| Counterintelligence Analysis | |
| Counterintelligence | |
| International Criminal Organizations | |
| Espionage/Counterespionage | |
| Denial and Deception | |
| Applied Geospatial Intelligence | |
| Signals Intelligence and Security | |
| Open Source Collection | |
| Human Intelligence | |
| Interrogation | |
| Criminal Intelligence Analysis | |
| Geographic Information Systems I | |
| Geographic Information Systems II | |
| Threat Analysis | |
| Cyber Warfare | |
| Tactical Intelligence | |
| Foreign Intelligence Organizations | |
| Intelligence and Narcotics | |
| Terrorism and Counterterrorism | |
| Terrorism and U.S. National Security | |
| Illicit Finance | |
| Forecasting Terrorism | |
| Comparative Political Systems | |
| International Organizations | |
| International Development | |
| Introduction to Human Security | |
| African Politics | |
| Asian Politics | |
| Government and Security of Russia | |
| European Politics | |
| Latin American Politics | |
| Global Politics of Islam | |
| Globalization and the Market Economy | |
| Human Rights | |
| International Law and Regimes | |
| National and Transnational Justice | |
| Environmental Security | |
| Comparative Foreign Policy | |
| International Conflict Resolution | |
| Principles of Peacekeeping | |
| Peacekeeping Logistics | |
| International Civil Order | |
| Government & Security in the Middle East | |
| Arab-Israeli Conflict: Contemp. Politics & Dipl. | |
| Politics and Security in the Persian Gulf | |
| Administrative Law and Policy | |
| Constitutional Law | |
| Criminal Law | |
| Family Law | |
| Military Law | |
| International Law | |
| Victim Advocacy | |
| Criminal Legal Process | |
| Maritime Law | |
| Immigration Law and Policy | |
| Evidence | |
| Exercise Physiology | |
| Training and Conditioning | |
| Sports Medicine | |
| Coaching Theory and Methodology | |
| Biomechanics | |
| Leadership Concepts in Coaching | |
| Exercise Programming and Testing | |
| Kinesiology | |
| Principles of Corrective Exercise | |
| Business Aspects of Fitness and Wellness | |
| Current Issues and Trends in Fitness and Wellness | |
| 9 |
| Molecular Biology | |
| Viruses | |
| Analytical Methods II | |
| Intermediate Data Science | |
| Machine Learning I | |
| Machine Learning II | |
| Probabilistic Graphical Models | |
| Sentiment Analysis | |
| Fundamentals of Simulation | |
| Simulation Techniques | |
| Behind the Data, Our values and beliefs | |
| Analytical Methods III | |
| Advanced Data Science | |
| Machine Learning III | |
| Deep Learning | |
| Artificial Neural Networks using TensorFlow | |
| Optimization and Machine Learning | |
| Bayesian Methods (Bayesian Inference, Naïve Bays) | |
| Generalized Linear Equations Using R | |
| Risk Modeling and Assessment | |
| Introduction to Python | |
| Python and Data Science | |
| Geomorphology | |
| Ocean and Atmospheric Dynamics | |
| Natural Hazards and Society | |
| Water Science | |
| Soil Science | |
| Introduction to Sustainability | |
| U.S. Federal Environmental Organization | |
| Energy and Resource Sustainability | |
| Land Use and Planning | |
| Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems | |
| Fish and Wildlife Policies, Programs, and Issues | |
| Public Lands Management | |
| Introduction to Wildlife Management | |
| Population Ecology | |
| Environmental Policy, Regulation, and Law | |
| Environmental and Ecosystems Management | |
| Air Quality Management | |
| General Ecology | |
| Conservation Biology | |
| Green Infrastructure and Renewable Technologies | |
| Water Resources Management | |
| Ethics in Politics | |
| Political Parties and Interest Groups | |
| State, Local, and Community Politics | |
| The Psychology of American Politics | |
| Public Policy | |
| Research Methods in Psychology | |
| Learning and Cognition | |
| Perception | |
| History and Systems of Psychology | |
| Psychology of Addiction & Substance Abuse | |
| Biopsychology | |
| Adult Development | |
| Psychology of Terrorism | |
| Psychopathology | |
| Psychology of Disaster | |
| Psychology of Combat | |
| Fishery Biology | |
| Botany | |
| Plant Identification, Taxonomy, and Systematics | |
| Research Methods in Natural Sciences | |
| Mammalogy | |
| Ornithology | |
| National Space Organization | |
| Introduction to Orbital Mechanics | |
| Human Space Flight | |
| Space Policy | |
| Rocket Propulsion | |
| Launch and Reentry Systems | |
| Tools of the Observatory | |
| Tools of the Planetarium | |
| Space Station Systems and Operations | |
| Satellite and Spacecraft Systems | |
| Planetary and Space Exploration | |
| Stars and Galaxies | |
| Space Transportation Systems | |
| Space Weather | |
| Space Wargaming | |
| Classical Sociological Theory | |
| Contemporary Sociological Theory | |
| Race and Ethnicity | |
| Sociology of Aging | |
| Military Sociology | |
| Political Sociology | |
| Organizational Sociology | |
| Food and Culture | |
| Research Methods for Sociology | |
| Statistics for Social Science | |
| Social Change | |
| Gender and Society | |
| Sociology of Religion | |
| Sociology of the Family | |
| Sociology of the Law | |
| Sociology of Health and Illness | |
| Sociology of Death and Dying | |
Total Semester Hours | 39 |