All courses completed at APUS, either through a conferred degree or expired program, will be considered Residential Credit for the student’s current program as well as future program where the courses are applicable.  Residential Credit will not be counted towards transfer credit maximums and will not carry previously earned course grades, thus not impacting the grade point average in the subsequent program.  The Initial Enrollment Date and Program Deadline for subsequent programs will be reset based on the first course completed in the new program.

Students wishing to earn an Associate’s degree where all completed courses overlap with the requested Bachelors' requirements may not enroll in the requested program unless they enroll in a program where credentials may be earned along the way. If a student requests a change to an Associate’s program, where all courses from a conferred Bachelor's degree overlap with the Associates degree, then they may not be eligible.  Additionally, students may not earn duplicative degrees (example – Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice to Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice or vice versa or Masters in Business Administration-General concentration to Masters in Business Administration- Accounting concentration or vice versa).