TLMT441 Advanced Business Logistics (3 semester hours)
Business Logistics is the set of activities involved in the flow of materials and products through an organization and through the supply chain to the market. This course examines and applies management tools and principles to these supply and distribution problems. Emphasis is first placed on developing a broad overview of the logistics field: what are its principle activities, decisions and how these activities produce value by supplying customer service through order fulfillment. Interfunctional coordination is reviewed by examining how logistics is coordinated or integrated with marketing and corporate strategy. Next, a thorough grounding in concepts, alternatives and tools for the primary activities of logistics: inventory, transportation, warehousing and order processing are presented. This provides the basis for examining issues in logistics system design, including stocklocation, sourcing, number and location of facilities and flow management. The organizational design of the logistics system across the internal supply chain is examined if time permits.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.