SPST699 Space Studies Capstone (3 semester hours)

Preparation for the Master of Science in Space Studies Thesis begins on day one of a student's graduate program of study. The theories, research methods, analytical skills, and substantive knowledge obtained through the Space Studies curriculum provide the basis for the thesis project. In this course, instructors guide students through the thesis process. Students are expected to submit all required components of the research process, including a thesis proposal. The thesis proposal must provide a clear description of a contestable question or problem and a proposed method of answering the question or solving the problem. The thesis requires students to present an original argument using proper academic writing conventions including carefully documented primary and/or secondary sources. Guidance on the format of the thesis and proposal are contained in the APUS End of Program Manual. NOTE: This course may not be taken until all other courses are COMPLETED and student has a 3.0 GPA.THIS COURSE IS 16 WEEKS.