SCIN134 Introduction to Astronomy with Lab (4 semester hours)
This course will introduce students to the wonders of the universe. Topics covered in this course will involve deciphering the movement of objects in the sky; learning how astronomers decode the light coming to us from distant objects; exploring the Earth and other bodies in our solar system; and investigating the properties and structure of stars, galaxies, and the universe. Students will be encouraged to develop a conceptual understanding of these topics beyond the mere memorization of facts. With lab work and online tools, students will engage in astronomy inquiries and learn how astronomers work by asking research questions, collecting data, and defending evidence-based conclusions. This course is conceptual in nature, but students should expect to use some mathematics. Completion of at least college algebra prior to taking this course is highly recommended. This course has a required prerequisite of MATH111.Topics covered in this course require some comfort with math. This course is time-intensive, so students should ensure they have the time to fully commit to this course if it is used to fulfill the General Education science course requirement. (Prerequisite: MATH111)
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.