INFO222 Database Concepts (3 semester hours)
This course studies the major advancements in database technology that have taken place in recent years. The class will introduce students without a prior background in Microsoft Access® to basic concepts and will cover advanced topics as well. The course offers both conceptual and hands-on material in database management, enabling students to have improved comprehension and retention of course material. Note: Software for this course is not provided by the course material grant and must be purchased/provided by students.Note for Mac users: Access 2019 and older do not work on the Mac OS. The University recommends using Windows OS, even on Mac. If a Mac OS must be used, it is recommended that students install Windows on Parallels (purchased separately) and install Access 2019 on the Windows OS via Parallels. Microsoft Access is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft Access® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.