HIST691 Writing a Thesis Proposal (3 semester hours)
Preparation for the Master of Arts in History Capstone (Thesis) seminar begins on day one of a student's graduate program of study. The theories, research methods and analytical skills, and substantive knowledge obtained through their master's curriculum provide the basis for the thesis project. Students are required to develop primary and secondary source materials on their research topic and address the writing requirements as described in the syllabus and classroom assignments. The thesis proposal must provide a clear description of a question or problem and a proposed method of answering the question or solving the problem. Guidance on the format of the research proposal and a sample proposal are contained in the APUS Thesis Manual. This course should be the LAST course in your program prior to HIST699 and should not be taken earlier in your program.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.