BIOL181 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 semester hours)
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of biology emphasizing the structure and function of the human body. Topics covered in this course will include a general introduction to human biology; the scientific method; organic chemistry; cellular/tissue structure and function; and the organization and regulation of body systems.Other topics covered in the course will include the human body’s organ systems, genetics, human evolution, and ecology. In addition, students will discuss the process of the scientific method and be required to demonstrate science information literacy skills through the creation of a narrated presentation.Topics covered in this course require some comfort with math. This course is time-intensive, so students should ensure they have the time to fully commit to this course if it is used to fulfill the General Education science course requirement.
View the course schedule to find out details about each course including prerequisites, course objectives, course materials, a snapshot of the syllabi, and session dates.