The graduate certificate in Global Environmental Management emphasizes environmental policy and management theory and practice on the global scale, while offering insight into the status of shared resources throughout the world. You will study environmental change, sustainable practices, emergency management, disaster planning and response, and political influences. Knowledge gained from these disciplines can be used to develop strategies for collaboration, negotiation, international agreement, national policy, and international diplomacy for addressing challenging global problems. This online certificate is intended for graduate students who want to expand their knowledge of global environmental management without committing to a degree program.

Certificate Objectives

Upon successful completion of this certificate, the student will be able to:

  • Describe the social, economic, and political impacts of global environmental change and explain these influences on the practice of sustainability.
  • Describe the temporal and spatial scales of global environmental change.
  • Integrate complex interdisciplinary concepts affecting global change and influencing sustainability with traditional disciplinary boundaries in the natural and social sciences.
  • Determine the factors that are directly or indirectly contributing to global environmental change.
  • Critically analyze data presented in the debate on global environmental change and assess public policy implications.
  • Critique community or government sustainability projects based upon currently available and emerging sustainable development practices and technology.

Certificate Requirements (18 semester hours)

EDMG503Emergency and Disaster Planning and Management3
EDMG515Hazard Mitigation and Resilient Communities3
EVSP501Environmental Management3
EVSP605Energy Policy and Sustainability3
EVSP628Global Environmental Change3
MGMT615Strategic Planning3
Total Semester Hours18